Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research Assistant (May 2012 - May 2014)
Iowa City, IA
Undergraduate Research Assistant (May 2012 - May 2014)
Iowa City, IA
Morph Based Facial Animation Enabled human-like expressions on virtual soldier model through integration of FaceFX by OC3 Entertainment, a facial animation software package. |
Physics Engine Integration Integrated capabilities of the NVIDIA PhysX package using the available Software Development Kit (SDK) and in Unity3D. Developed a series of demos and demonstrated proof of concept through integration and validation of a bouncing ball demo in virtual soldier software. Supervised two interns in the project. |
The Portal Developed complete software and hardware renewal specifications for the 10 feet cubed immersive virtual reality system called The Portal. Drafted and proposed several possible configurations along with price estimates. Was in contact with several vendors throughout the process. |
Musculoskeletal System Implemented a preliminary full-body mathematical musculoskeletal system that interacts and responds in real time on the Virtual Soldier. In contrast to the majority of commercially available musculoskeletal simulation packages, the real-time model has the potential for a much quicker assessment of the effect of muscles on human task performance. |