AEROSP513: Solid and Structural Mechanics AEROSP516: Mechanics of Composites AEROSP518: Theory of Elastic Stability AEROSP523: Computational Fluid Dynamics I AEROSP543: Structural Dynamics AEROSP544: Aeroelasticity AEROSP545: Aeromechanics of Rotary Wing Vehicles AEROSP550: Linear Systems Theory MATH450: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I |
(Only relevant courses listed) 053:132: Fundamentals of Vibrations 058:110: Computer-Aided Engineering 058:115: Finite Element I 058:143: Computational Fluid & Thermal Engineering 058:149: Propulsion Engineering 058:159: Fracture Mechanics 030:118: American Political Development 035:001: Elementary Spanish I 035:002: Elementary Spanish II Click here for some highlights. |